Intercollegiate Sports in America, 1900-2017

Spring 2017

Monday 4 pm and online

Instructor: John V. Lombardi
Office Hours: By Appointment

Notes: This is a draft presentation of a course offered on Moodle at UMass Amherst. In addition to the materials here, each week has a class presentation that becomes visible within Moodle at the close of class. Also, each class session is accompanied by an online Moodle mediated discussion forum. The complete course is available on Moodle.

This draft with the course information, the week introductions, and the readings is available online at

Most readings are on an electronic reserve that requires a username/password provided to enrolled students in the class.

  1. Week 1--Time and Place, People and Events

  2. Week 2--Story and Fact; Generations, Tools and Projects

  3. Week 3--Development of College Athletics Organization
    Reading Week 3

  4. Week 4--Controlling Intercollegiate Athletics
    Reading Week 4

  5. Week 5--Operating the Franchise: Purpose, Function, and Cases
    Reading Week 5

  6. Week 6--The Organization and Structure of College Sports Finance
    Reading Week 6

  7. Week 7--The Income and Expenses of College Athletics
    Reading Week 7

  8. Week 8--Race and Class
    Reading Week 8

  9. Week 9--The Title IX Revolution
    Reading Week 9

  10. Week 10--Competition and Equity
    Reading Week 10

  11. Week 11--The Culture of Winning and the Amateur Athlete
    Reading Week 11

  12. Week 12--College and Sports
    Reading Week 12

  13. Week 13--Values, Fairness, and Culture / War, Religion, Youth, and the Movies [PIZZA]
    Reading Week 13
